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Presence - Select users to display on phone - Admin | RingCentral

Presence – Select users to display on phone – Admin | RingCentral

  1. Open a web browser
  2. In the address window, type in login.ringcentral.com
  3. Using your administrator credentials, login to your RingCentral account
  4. Select the Users tab
  5. Click the name you want to make changes to
  6. Go to Phones & Numbers > Phones > Presence
  7. Under Appearance, select the users you would like to display on the desk phone and softphone by clicking on Select a User
  8. Click Save

NOTE: A pop-up will appear notifying you that the phone assigned to the user will restart to reflect these changes. Click Yes. The Presence settings apply on the RingCentral Phone Desktop and all desk phones associated with the extension. Check the list of Presence-capable phones for more information.

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